This guide provides information on how to:
- Set up a persistent enrollment reminder for your Okta users
- Set up (optional) a workflow that will restrict access to other applications unless a user has registered with Beyond Identity.
- Ensure that you have working Okta/Beyond Identity integration
Ensure you are able to add new group rules by navigating to Directory → Groups → Rules → Add Rules
- If the Rules tab does not exist, please file a ticket with Okta support to enable “Rules for Group Membership” feature
Beyond Identity Configuration
Step 1: Create a new user group “Beyond Use Password”
- Sign into the Okta portal as an administrator
- Navigate to Directory → Groups
- Create a new group with the following information
- Name: Beyond Use Password
- Description: Beyond Use Password (Persistent Enrollment Reminder)
Step 2: Create a new Rule for the Beyond Use Password group
- Navigate to the Beyond Identity user group created during the Beyond Identity/Okta integration
- Copy the unique Okta identifier for this group and save it for use in the next step
- Navigate to Directory → Groups → Rules and select Add Rules
- Create a new rule with the following information:
- Name: Beyond New User Rule
- IF: select Use Okta Expression Language (advanced)
- Language expression: isMemberOfAnyGroup("<Okta unique identifier>") and user.byndidRegistered != true
- Ensure you are using the Okta unique identifier saved from the previous step
- THEN Assign to: Beyond Use Password user group
Note: This logic assigns the “Beyond Use Password” group to any user who is a member of the “Beyond Identity” group but has not yet registered a credential with Beyond Identity
Step 3: Create a custom bookmark app
- Navigate to the Beyond Identity User Portal application
- On the General tab, scroll down and save the App Embed Link for use in the next step
- Navigate to Applications → Applications → Browse App Catalog and search for the Bookmark App
- Once the Bookmark App has been added, fill in the following information on the General tab:
- Application Label: Beyond Identity Self Register
- URL: paste the link saved from step 3
- Select the check box next to Auto launch the app when user signs into Okta
- On the Assignments tab, assign the application to the Beyond Use Password user group
Step 4: Create a user
- In the Okta admin portal create a new user and assign them to the Beyond Identity user group
- Because this user has not yet registered a credential, they will also be assigned to the Beyond Use Password group based on the logic in the Beyond New User rule created in Step 2
OPTIONAL: App Restriction
The optional steps below will give you the ability to restrict access to Okta applications until a user has registered a credential.
In the example below we will restrict access to the Beyond Identity Admin portal but in a customer facing scenario please work with the customer to identify the best application for them to restrict access to.
Step 1: Deny Access to Beyond Identity Admin portal
- Sign into the Okta portal as an administrator
- Navigate to Applications → Applications → Beyond Identity Admin Portal
- Select the Sign On tab
- Scroll down to the Sign On Policy section and select Add Rule
- Fill in the information below
- Rule Name: Onboarding Users Deny Access
- Who does this rule apply to: The following groups and users
- Select the Beyond Use Password user group
- Access: When all the conditions above are met, sign on to this application is Denied
- Once this has been implemented, any user who has been added to the Beyond Identity user group but not registered a credential will see a lock icon next to the Beyond Identity Admin Portal application. They will not be allowed to access the admin portal until they register a credential
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