During the installation of the Beyond Identity Windows Platform Authenticator and the Windows Desktop Login, the file BIAzureLibrary.dll is installed. Windows Desktop Login relies on this file to communicate with Azure AD. However, on some Windows devices, this file is sometimes erroneously identified as a virus (Program:Win32/Radkt.B!MTB).
If this occurs, users can attempt one or more of the following procedures to add an exclusion.
Starting with version 2.64, the Windows Platform Authenticator installations will no longer include BIAzureLibrary.dll, but Windows Desktop Login will still include the file.
The file is installed in the same folder as the executable:
- Windows Platform Authenticator: %LocalAppData%\Programs\BeyondIdentity\
Windows Desktop Login: %ProgramFiles%\BeyondIdentity\
All these procedures require administrator privileges.
Allow the BIAzureLibrary.dll File
When the file is first detected and removed/quarantined, Windows will display a notification that a threat was detected and has taken steps to remove or quarantine the file. To allow the DLL:
Perform one of the following:
Click the notification to go to the Windows Security Virus and Protection Center.
Open Windows Security ➔ Virus & Threat Protection ➔ Protection History.
Click on the blocked threat that specifies BIAzureLibrary.dll such as “Affected Items”.
Click on Actions and then select Allow.
Reinstall the software. Windows should no longer target the DLL.
If the issue still persists, proceed to Exclude the BeyondIdentity.exe Process.
Exclude the BeyondIdentity.exe Process
If you cannot exclude the BIAzureLibrary.dll manually, you can try excluding the BeyondIdentity process from scans.
Open Windows Security ➔ Virus & Threat Protection ➔ Manage Settings ➔ Add or Remove Exclusions.
Click the Add an exclusion button.
Select the Process option.
Type the name of the BeyondIdentity executable.
Windows Platform Authenticator: %LocalAppData%\Programs\BeyondIdentity\
Windows Desktop Login: %ProgramFiles%\BeyondIdentity\
Reinstall the software.

If the issue still persists, proceed to the Add the bizaurelibrary.dll to the Microsoft Dender Exclusion List
Exclude the BeyondIdentity Install Folder
If you cannot manually exclude the BIAzureLibrary.dll or excluding the process does not work, you can try excluding scans of the BeyondIdentity install folder entirely.
Open Windows Security ➔ Virus & Threat Protection ➔ Manage Settings ➔ Add or Remove Exclusions.
Click the Add an exclusion button.
Select the Folder option.
Browse to the BeyondIdentity installation folder and click Select Folder.
Windows Platform Authenticator: %LocalAppData%\Programs\BeyondIdentity\
Windows Desktop Login: %ProgramFiles%\BeyondIdentity\
Reinstall the software.

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