This article provides information about how to export Windows Event Viewer logs
Authenticator logs do not always provide all the necessary information for investing a problem. This is when the Windows Event Viewer logs can help. The following steps show, how to export these logs that can be attached to a support request.
- Start Event Viewer by going to Start > search box (or press Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box) and type eventvwr.
- Within Event Viewer, expand Windows Logs and click on Application
- Click Action > Save All Events As...
- Ensure that the Save as type is set to .evtx and save the log file to a destination of your choosing.
- If you are prompted to display information, select the Display information... radio button and choose (unless otherwise directed by support) and click OK.
- This creates a .evtx file and a folder that is called LocaleMetaData in the directory that is specified in step 4. Add this file and directory to a compressed file. The compressed file can then be attached to a support case.
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