Beyond Identity is in the process of adding official proxy support to the Platform Authenticator on the macOS and Windows platforms. This is the first release to preview this functionality.
To minimize the chance of any change in behavior for existing users of Beyond Identity, this feature is not active by default. However, during the preview phase of this feature, the end user of the Platform Authenticator can enable this functionality. The list below details what happens when this feature is enabled.
- If you have no proxy settings and you enable this feature, then no change occurs in functionality. This feature has no impact, enabled or disabled, if you do not use a proxy in your environment.
- If your Windows or macOS settings indicate a manual HTTPS proxy or PAC file URL, those settings are used by the Platform Authenticator as it makes all HTTPS requests out.
In a future release, this feature defaults to an enabled state. We recommend any current users of Beyond Identity to turn on the feature with an administrator and to attempt an authentication as normal. With this feature enabled and authentication working as expected, no future change is required on your configuration.
We are releasing this feature on Windows, then macOS shortly to follow. This specific release only updates Windows.
End User Guide
To turn on the proxy PAC support, go to File > Enable PAC Support (Beta).
When the feature is enabled, the File > Disable PAC Support (Beta) appears in the menu.
Administrative Requirements
Bypass any requests for host *.authenticator.beyondidentity.com. These domains resolve to localhost or and are used for communication by the Platform Authenticator local to the system.
Without this bypass added, the Windows Platform Authenticator works as expected, but the macOS Authenticator performance suffers. All platforms, however, require this bypass, including Windows.
Example PAC File
function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
// Exclude FTP from proxy
if (url.substring(0, 4) == "ftp:")
return "DIRECT";
// Bypass proxy for internal hosts
if (isInNet(host, "", "")||
isInNet(host, "", "") ||
isInNet(host, "", "") ||
isInNet(host, "", "") ||
isInNet(host, "", "") ||
isInNet(host, "", "")||
isInNet(host, "", ""))
return "DIRECT";
// Bypass proxy for DNS entries required by iOS/macOS Authenticators
if (host == "pa.authenticator.beyondidentity.com" ||
host == "pa2.authenticator.beyondidentity.com")
return "DIRECT";
return "PROXY";
Administrative Control of this Feature
As an administrator using MDM or other automation, you can also enable this feature or disable this feature. When the administrator takes this action, the end user no longer has any control over the feature. The File menu option Enable / Disable PAC Support (Beta) shown above also disappears.
Command: Enable PAC file detection
- Must execute as root using sudo or with MDM script. NOTE: sudo not required.
sudo /Applications/Beyond\ Identity.app/Contents/Resources/BIConfigure --enable-auto-proxy
- Must execute using MDM or from a Windows command prompt with administrator privileges
C:\Program Files\BeyondIdentity\Tools\BIConfigure --enable-auto-proxy
Command: Disable PAC file detection
- Must execute as root using sudo or with MDM script. NOTE: sudo not required.
sudo /Applications/Beyond\ Identity.app/Contents/Resources/BIConfigure --disable-auto-proxy
- Must execute using MDM or from a Windows command prompt with administrator privileges
C:\Program Files\BeyondIdentity\Tools\BIConfigure --disable-auto-proxy
Command: Clear Administrative Control
- Must execute as root using sudo or with MDM script. NOTE: sudo not required.
sudo /Applications/Beyond\ Identity.app/Contents/Resources/BIConfigure --remove-auto-proxy
- Must execute via MDM or from a Windows command prompt with administrator privileges
C:\Program Files\BeyondIdentity\Tools\BIConfigure --remove-auto-proxy
Command: Show Proxy Status
- This does not require root privileges.
/Applications/Beyond\ Identity.app/Contents/Resources/BIConfigure --show-auto-proxy
- Execute using a Windows command prompt. This does not require administrator privileges.
C:\Program Files\BeyondIdentity\Tools\BIConfigure --show-auto-proxy
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