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Authenticators Released: Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows
What’s new
Silent updates on macOS-managed devices
Starting with version 2.99.0, the Beyond Identity authenticator system installer for macOS (.pkg file) allows silent authenticator updates to be pushed out to managed devices without user interaction.
Note: This enhancement only works on fresh installs of 2.99.0 or later, and pushing the .pkg file out acts as a fresh install.
Here are the high-level steps.
Example: If you configured this option and pushed the Beyond Identity System Authenticator version 2.99.0 out, starting with version 2.100.0 (the next release), silent updates would be applied.
To configure silent updates on macOS, see Manage Authenticator updates.
New Windows BIConfigure tool
The Windows system installer (.msi file under Advanced Installation) includes a tool to support MDM deployments. The utility is available after installing the authenticator. For a list of available commands, see Windows BIConfigure tool.
- Updated Apple and Linux PAs to display a user-friendly error message on Clock Drift instead of a generic error message.
- [BIT-1464] If a login_hint is enabled and it matches a valid credential during authentication, the user will be authenticated and no credential section prompt will be shown.
- On Windows, fixed the following issues:
- The User install will now fail to install if a System install is already present.
- Fixed the authenticator start during an upgrade to show the Authenticator dialog except when run with /quiet or /qn flag.
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