The macOS system installer (.pkg file under Advanced Installation) includes a command-line tool to support MDM deployments. The tool is available after installing the authenticator at:
The following arguments are available to use with BIConfigure.
Commands | Description |
./BIConfigure --help | Lists the available commands to the console. |
./BIConfigure --version | Lists the installed versions of the Beyond Identity Authenticator and specifies whether it is a User or System install. |
./BIConfigure --uninstall |
Uninstalls the Beyond Identity Authenticator. If no parameter is specified, the version where the BIConfigure tool is located is uninstalled. If the User or System is specified, then that particular type of installation is uninstalled. Note: Uninstalling the System install requires root privileges. |
./BIConfigure --disable-updates |
Disables discovery and installation of Beyond Identity Authenticator updates (requires root privileges). |
./BIConfigure --enable-updates |
Enables discovery and installation of Beyond Identity Authenticator updates; required for version control. (Requires root privileges) |
./BIConfigure --show-updates |
Displays whether updates through Beyond Identity are enabled or disabled in the console. |
./BIConfigure --set-version-control-id <id> |
Sets the Version Control ID (requires root privileges). |
./BIConfigure --get-version-control-id | Displays the Version Control ID to the console. |
./BIConfigure --clear-version-control-id |
Removes the version control ID (requires root privileges). |
./BIConfigure --set-version-control-url <url> |
Sets the version control URL (requires root privileges). |
./BIConfigure --get-version-control-url <url> | Gets the version control URL. |
./BIConfigure --clear-version-control-url <url> |
Removes the version control URL (requires root privileges). |
./BIConfigure --restart-authenticators | Restarts all running Beyond Identity Authenticators. |
./BIConfigure --save-logs | Creates a zip file that contains all of the necessary log files. The zip file is created in the directory where the command is run. |
./BIConfigure --dump-system-info | Dumps system information. |
./BIConfigure --install-auth-right |
Installs the authorization right (requires root privileges). |
./BIConfigure --remove-auth-right | Removes the authorization right (requires root privileges). |
./BIConfigure --show-auth-right |
Shows the authorization right status (requires root privileges). |
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